www.  Pennenga .com 

Judy and Ron, Sr.
Dawn and Ron, Jr.
Julie and Tim


  • April 27 - Tim and his family joined Ron Sr. and Judy to visit Dawn, Ron Jr and their four girls in Stuart.  It was a very nice get together.  Dawn & Ron very nice job on the house!  Also, Aunt Kathy, thank you for coming down to visit with all of us from NY.

  • Ron Sr. and Judy have moved!  Click here to view more details.

  • CHANGE OF PLANS:  Due to schedule changes, conflicts, and other unforeseen problems, we are canceling plans for our anniversary party/renewal of vows for Saturday, April 14, 2007.  We will reschedule for summer of 2008.  Date to be determined and plenty of time to plan.

  • April 17, 2007 - Jillian's 6th Birthday!

  • March 9, 2007 - Dylan's 1st Birthday!  Julie, Tim, Colin, and Dylan's godparents, Karen and Darryl had a very small, but lovely dinner and cake for him.  He even had his first kiss from a girl.  Thank you, Sayla.

  • Join us in welcoming Ron and Dawn's fourth child into our family.  Dawn gave birth to Rachel Michele Pennenga at 9:10 AM, September 17, 2006.  She is 8 lbs 2 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

  • September 12, 2005 - Tim Pennenga's graduation ceremony He was deputized into the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office.

  • July 2005 - Ron Pennenga, Sr. graduated from Excelsior College with a Bachelor's Degree in Nuclear Engineering Technology. 

  • Nov 25, 2004 - Celebrated Thanksgiving at Ron & Dawn's house in Georgia.  Hats off to Dawn and the other chef's for preparing a wonderful meal.

  • Nov 20, 2004 - Dawn & Ron celebrated Haley's 2nd Birthday.

  • Nov 7, 2004 - Julie & Tim celebrated their anniversary with some of Julie's family at Busch Garden's.

  • Nov 6, 2004 - Alafia Challenge Canoe and Kayak Race.  Tim placed 5th in the Men's Open.  Not bad for his first time.

  • Oct 30, 2004 - Ron & Dawn celebrated their Anniversary.

  • Oct 23, 2004 - Ron & Judy celebrated their Anniversary.

  • Oct 9, 2004 - Schmucker Family Reunion

  •            In Loving Memory of

     Our Father and Grandfather

    Dennis Pennenga, Sr.


    February 27, 1918 - September 23, 2004

  • September 8, 2004 - It's a Boy!      Julie gave birth to their first child at 11:09am in Brandon Regional Hospital.  Colin Michael Pennenga weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. and was 18.5 inches long.            Click here for More Pictures...

  • September 4-5, 2004 - Thank the Lord! We survived yet another hurricane.  Unfortunately the aftermath of Hurricane Frances has resulted in flooding to Tim and Julie's home as well as some damage to Mom and Dad's house in Stuart.

  • August 14, 2004 - We survived Hurricane Charley!  Originally plotted to hit Tim and Julie in Tampa and go on to Ron, Jr. and Dawn in Georgia.  Thank God for our family's safety, but we pray for the many that fell victim to Charley.

  • July 2004 - We celebrated Ron, Jr.'s safe return from yet another tour at sea.  He came back to meet the newest member of his family.

  • June 4, 2004 - It's a Girl...Again!  Dawn gave birth to Brianne Elizabeth Pennenga - 7 lbs. 13 oz, 19 1/2 inches long.

  • Nov. 8, 2003 - Julie and Tim's Wedding Day.

  • Sept 2003 - Tim safely returned home from his deployment to aid in Operation Iraqi Freedom.  After six long months of fearing for his safety, the family is overjoyed to have him home once again.  We continue to pray for the rest of the many soldiers still deployed "over there."

  • August 18, 2003 - Julie received word that an IED was detonated beneath Tim's truck.  TIM IS OK.  He was able to call her to assure everyone that he came through it all without a single scratch.  Unfortunately, both Tim's driver and gunner were seriously injured.  PLEASE keep them all in your prayers.

  • March 2004 - Tim left for the War in Iraq.  PLEASE keep him and all our soldiers in your prayers.





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This site was last updated 12/24/2007